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Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock Review


First time on a Nintendo Console, was it worth the wait?

This is probably the weakest point of this game. Some of the problems might be the jagged characters, stiff animations; especially the drummer, repeated character models in the crowd, and a major lack of fluidity. The game just doesn't really look that good, but luckily that's not what makes this game fun, so the graphics aren't going to hurt the score very much.
It comes with a fairly large Les Paul controller with 5 different colored fret buttons on it. The main game is controlled by scrolling through lists of songs using the strum bar, and selecting with the green button and canceling with the red button. The only real problem with the control in this game is while you are on the Wii menu and you are trying to select the Guitar Hero 3 channel to play this game, you have to use a control stick located on the Guitar peripheral. That doesn't really sound so bad until you actually have to use it. It's inverted really strangely, and you will more than likely have a difficult time getting the cursor to move where you want it to go.
Basically you beat 2-3 songs in one venue to unlock the next venue. Continue this until you get to the last venue and beat the game. It's simplistic but still fun. The only real downer here is that after awhile the game does tend to get repetitive, due to the fact that you can only push 5 different buttons so different ways, but overall it's an enjoyable Gameplay experience.
This is the real area where this game shines. It has so many different genres of music on this game that anyone who likes rock at all will at least find a few songs they can fall in love with. Many familiar bands are on here, as well as many underground bands such as The Fall of Troy and Matchbook Romance. This title boasts over 70+ songs, although some can only be unlocked after playing through career with a friend in co-op mode.
Fun Factor
The game is never really frustrating unless you try to play on expert and have never played before, but if you start from the beginning to the end, you will quite enjoy this game. Quick Play has a list of high scores for each song, so that's always fun to compete against anyone else that plays on your Wii, and multiplayer adds to the experience.
Replay Value
With 70+ songs, 4 different modes of difficultly, online play, multiplayer, quickplay, not to mention tons of unlockables you can buy, and the possibility of downloadable content, you will be popping this into your Wii for quite a while.

-Review by Laz Moreland (11/20/07)


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