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The Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess Review


Great Game, but is it Amazing?

The game has a very last generation look to it. Some of the details in the characters and the animations are impressive but overall it looks like a Gamecube game, which it basically is, so whatever. The textures on a lot of the backgrounds are very bland, but it has a certain style, so its all ok in the end. Though I have to say this game does have some great looking snow and water effects.
You use the wii remote for most actions and the weapon attacks, and the analog stick for movement and Z-targeting. The only real complaint I have at all is that when you swing the wii remote for sword attacks, it plays pre-scripted sword slashes, instead of doing what you do with your hands. If you swing left to right and so forth, it doesn't mean that Link will, usually it will just perform the same sword swing on screen he did last time you did that.


Plays just like classic Ocarina of Time Legend of Zelda games. No Jump button, although not needed. Z-Targeting, Collecting Rupee for no reason, and then not have anything to buy with them, collecting bugs and Poes for the stupidest rewards ever, and finding new weapons. Some are old classic weapons and others are new and amazing. Oh and let me mention, fishing has got to be the most amazing mini-game ever. Seriously... haha yeah right.


The music is all Midi, and none of it is orchestrated like almost all previous Zelda games, which is a problem. It slightly takes away from the experience, and leaves me personally feeling empty. Although, the music that plays in the last few minutes of every boss battle is quite the most amazing music in this game.

Fun Factor

It's a fun game, and a good "Gamecube" Zelda game, but if your looking for the next evolution in the Zelda franchise than you're in for a surprise. But over all it has a long story, some interesting enemies and characters, and is just all around fun. I'd say the Fun Factor is pretty high up there.

Replay Value

Moderate. You might play it a few years later, when you begin to reminisce about how much fun it was years ago, but I doubt that you would have it in you to continue playing this after one play through. Actually I guarantee you won't. Oh and how dare Nintendo consider even saying that "fishing" is replay value!? You catch the fish for no reason, and all you can do with it is sell it. But what can you buy you ask for selling the fish? Nothing, collecting money is only important for a few secret items in the game, but besides those secrets, there isn't anything else to do with it.

-Review by Laz Moreland (11/16/07)


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