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Super Mario Sunshine Review


Is it honestly "Better" than Super Mario 64?

The graphics are kind of strange in this game. In some areas of the game the graphics are simply amazing, especially with realistic life-like water, but in other levels, they seem a lot less polished than the rest of the game. Overall though this game is vibrant, colorful, and full of life. Character models like Mario, Peach, and the many different Toads are all colorful and fully realized, but most of the island dwellers are kind of plain and dull looking. Enemies and Bosses all have a unique look and feel to them, and in a lot of character models of this game you can see where early versions of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker's "Toon Shading" is implemented. Overall this game is pretty for its time, but it only legs are in its unique designs.
This has always been a hallmark for Mario games. Every since his very first jump, his controls have only tightened and gotten better over time. With his crazy array of jumps and dashes, flips and slams, Mario has really come a long way since Super Mario 64. The controls in Super Mario Sunshine are more responsive than any other Mario game ever. Once you get the basic controls down, you can do just about anything with Mario's help. Then to add on top of all of the jumping controls, you also have the interesting and varied F.L.U.D.D. controls, which really add a lot to the experience.
Collecting stars has never seemed more fun than it does in Sunshine. From sky-high platforming levels to large and far below underwater levels, this game is truly varied and compelling. The gameplay is always changing up and truly makes you want to continue playing this game. The F.L.U.D.D. devise adds a lot of new gameplay challenges to the game, as well as new ways to move around the levels. Some fun and nostalgic characters await later in your journey, and included in that bunch is a familiar character named Yoshi. Riding Yoshi adds little more than another way to move around, but changes the gameplay up just enough to make you want to find where every Yoshi egg is hidden. The gameplay is amazing as a whole package, but is only hindered by the poor camera. It's not necessarily bad, but it will cause you to die a few more times than it honestly should.
I hate to say it but most of the music in this game is forgettable. I'm sitting here writing this, and I can't even think of one of the songs off of the top of my head. The music matches the environments that you play in, but the only problem with that is that you're playing in a Resort, and with that comes elevator like music. Fits the atmosphere of the game, but does nothing to blow any music critic away.
Fun Factor
There are so many wacky and crazy platforming challenges awaiting you throughout this journey, and I can bet that you'll have a pretty fun time exploring them. The levels are truly a big part of the experience, and with so many secrets and high places to climb to, it will be awhile before you'll get bored with this game. Some fun activities included range from collecting blue coins to buy Shine Sprites, to playing through some tough bonus platforming levels, to jumping off of Ferris Wheels while squirting fruit juice out of Yoshi's mouth. If any of those sound mildly interesting to you, than you will really find yourself having a good time playing this game, if not, well you will probably find something else to love about this game. Overall it's a fun game with just a few issues.
Replay Value
Moderate. Playing through this game to the end is really fun, and is almost addictive to a point, but once you get around 80 or so Shine Sprites, you might find yourself getting a little bored. Even though there are 20 Sprites in all, most of the last Shine Sprites are usually collect 100 coins or something just as menial as that. You'll probably play this game again after a few months without it, but after you beat it, you'll want to put it back in it's case, and just remember this game as a fond memory.

-Review by Laz Moreland (11/27/07)


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